Community Development and AIDS Prevention Services  


Welcome to CODEAPS website!

Founded in 2002, Community Development and AIDS Prevention Services, (CODEAPS) aims to combat HIV/AIDS in the rural community of Nsanja, Ntenjeru sub-county. CODEAPS does this with the promotion of developmental activities for the self-sustainability of its local residents, whom mainly consist of families affected by the scourge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. 


Working towards the reduction of HIV transmission and promotion of community participatory self-sustainable projects.



  • To advocate and provide support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)
  • To promote community based health care education
  • To carry out HIV/AIDS prevention and care services in the community and schools
  • To involve communities in participatory development towards breaking the vicious cycle of poverty

Executive Board Members:

Director   Mr. Ochieng David
Assoc. Director 
 Mr. Oburu Elijah
 Treasurer Ms Nalikka Harriet 
 Secretary  Mr. Ageru   Moses
 Welfare Kajuule Betty