Community Development and AIDS Prevention Services  


Disseminating information to both youth and adults in rural communities has been one of our greatest achievements. CODEAPS regularly gives seminars to youth, parents, and communities. 

The youth seminars typically include 8-10 students from 6-10 local primary schools. These youths are representatives for their whole school and relay the information to their peers through talks, projects, and clubs. The seminars usually have themes of life skills, health, or HIV/AIDS.

Seminars to parents are held at local schools. All parents from the community are invited. Typical topics include parenting, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS and youth, and family. 

Community seminars are similar to the seminars for parents and are usually held at a school. Common topics include life skills, how to get out of vicious circle of poverty, family, community health, and several others. 

If you know of a community in the Mukono district, Ntenjeru sub-county that would benefit from a seminar, please see our CONTACT US page.